In this short film the rain has been shown as a divine gift of god and it proves very blessed for dry and needy earth. It acts as a companion to the earth and its inhabitants. It shows the story of a little boy who helps a red fox to catch rainwater. They spend the day together and misses it when the fox leaves. The film has its superficial and underlying meaning.
     The story starts with a low voice welcoming tune where we see a bird sitting on a lamp post it was morning but the sky was laden with dark clouds and incessant rain.There was hardly any public transport at streets.Symbolically it means when the rain pours down the animals take it as a welcome gift whereas the humans take it as nuisance and lock themselves in their houses.
   The second part of the story take us to little boy carrying a umbrella and walking down the road.The cat and the frog was astonished at the boy while he enjoyed the rain. Down the lane he found a fox who was collecting rain drops in a plastic bag. He found that the bag was torn, the boy took the fox to a shop to buy a jar but due to insufficient balance they  failed in the mission. Symbolically, it shows while the whole human race have locked themselves still it is welcoming to few like the boy.In reality the rain is welcoming to the farmers because the rain helps them to gain maximum yields with better quality.Here the cat and frog act as few human who criticize the boy's act for not staying at home.Here the boy meets the fox this depicts that even nature play a role in creating friendship.
         The boy came out of the shop feeling helpless. But we know " Where there is will there is a way" the umbrella tumbled and the rain started collecting in it. They collected rain from everywhere possible -the pipelines,trees,sky,etc. This was followed by a joyful tune. They walked down the pavement and he gifted the umbrella full of water to the red fox. The fox took it to his house amid the forest to water the flowers which were dying due to scarcity of water.Symbolically, though the boy was dejected but nature gave them an idea to collect water. Though rain is not welcomed in the city it is celebrated in the village. Rains are like a sign of peace to them. When the rain falls on the flower they dance joyfully. It is a messenger between the clouds and earth. When it falls the cloud pain is relieved and earth's thirsty is slaked.
   Next day morning when the boy wakes up to the sharp tone of the alarm and searched for the fox. It was nowhere while he was returning he found the footprints of the fox which took him to his room. There he found that umbrella lying on the table with a lovely flower in the jar.The boy smiles looking at the bird on his head. Symbolically, it means nothing is permanent in the world. Here as the rain descends and downpours to embraces the world, so does it leaves.This means the farmer bid farewell to rain and wait for the next year to come.The boy received the flower as a token of love which means nature gives a merciful blessing to the earth.
         The arrival of rain is welcoming but only the sensible soul can understand. The rain sighs from the deep sea of love and affection between the boy and the fox and bid its early farewell with footprints for the next year to come.
